You May Want to Rethink That Protein Shake

You May Want to Rethink That Protein Shake

The tides of diet culture have done some shifting to promoting a more plant-based way of eating, as opposed to a traditional diet filled with dairy and animal-based protein. 

Along with this shift came an influx of “healthy” non-meat protein sources, most of which are made from low-quality ingredients.  You can now get anything from milk and cheese to turkey and sausage…without any part of these foods being sourced from an animal.   

While this may sound great for your overall health, the reality of what is actually IN these products is unfortunately very far from healthy.

So what should you do when it comes to protein? Let’s dive in...

Ingredients 101

Whether you’re talking about vegan protein powders or whey protein supplements, these very different types of protein are two sides of the same coin.

Chemicals, artificial flavorings and sweeteners, brown rice syrup, coloring agents, seed oils, gums, fillers, preservatives, soy, heavy metals[1], and just about anything else can imagine is processed into these products, rendering some of the most unhealthy options on the market today.

And yes, these ingredients are present in both plant-based protein powders as well as whey protein isolates. They are often responsible for gas, bloating, weight gain, and more.

So while you may be upping your protein intake, you’re also “upping” your chemical intake as well which can indeed be detrimental to your weight loss and wellness goals.

Raw Generation’s Meal Replacement Pack is made with 5 simple, clean simple ingredients to help you with your wellness goals.

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The Issue With Animal-Based Protein Sources

Whey and Casein are two popular sources of protein derived from cow’s milk. While they do have a high amount of protein, they are anything but good for you. (Bodybuilders may disagree...)

Now we touched up on ingredients, but we did not touch upon the root, which is the health of modern-day cows.

The majority of cows today are living in confinement. They do not get adequate sunlight (vitamin D). Nor do they get much movement. They are fed grain, soy, and wheat feed, which fattens up their body composition.

Because of these living conditions, the cows are often sick. An unhealthy cow means an unhealthy animal by-product. On top of that cows are pumped with hormones and antibiotics. Their byproduct undergoes tons of processing and contains fortified vitamins and minerals to make up for the lack of.

Not to mention, that dairy is a top allergen for people these days and many have a hard time digesting the lactose (lactose intolerance) in many of the whey protein concentrates on the market. That’s because the processing of dairy quite literally destroys digestive enzymes (yes this includes grass-fed dairy as well).

As a holistic nutritionist for many years, I would say that aside from the high protein content, there is virtually no benefit of whey protein powders or supplements, especially if weight loss is your goal.

The Issue With Plant-Based Protein Sources

So is whey protein better than plant protein? The answer is it depends.

People hear the term “plant-based diet” and automatically assume that anything plant-based is healthy. This could not be further from the truth.

Now, while I am obviously a large proponent of eating as many plants as possible every day, the way to do it is by eating actual plants…Not chemical concoctions made from plants (which is exactly what most plant-based protein alternatives are).

Like animal-based protein, you must go to the root. At the root of vegan protein powders and supplements are things like highly processed pea protein.

Most people do not know this, but the process of making these pea protein powders or smoothies requires a ton of processing. The pea protein must be separated from the fiber, water, and starch of the pea. It is then heated at a very high temperature and processed with filler, artificial sweeteners, and chemical additives (and more harmful ingredients listed above). The same reigns true for different plants, like soy and rice protein as well.

So what is the best type of protein?

The Best Type of Plant Protein

Americans have become totally protein-obsessed. Some even wanting to consume their body weight in protein, which is just too much in my humble opinion.

I will say that high-quality protein IS important. And it’s more important than the amount of protein grams you consume daily.

Our bodies need high-quality protein sources because they provide essential amino acids that help your body build muscle and muscle recovery while also supporting your daily dietary needs.

So, that being said the best protein is the one that is minimally processed. The one that is as close to nature as humanly possible.

In my experience, I have found that nuts, seeds, beans, and legumes are the way to go. Things like peanut butter, hemp protein, pumpkin seeds, or chickpeas are great options.

Whole-food protein options ensure that you are getting enough protein, but also enough vitamins and minerals to support your body.

Clean Protein: The Meal Replacement Pack

The Meal Replacement Pack was developed to give you the option of having a high-protein, plant-based smoothie that is not filled with soy protein isolates, chemicals, or refined sugars.

These meal shakes are made from simple ingredients like cashews, almonds, dates, pumpkin seeds, and cacao to name a few. The simplicity quite literally makes them the cleanest shakes on the market.  And the best part is…they taste absolutely delicious.

The Meal Replacement Pack has 2 decadent flavors—Vanilla Protein and Chocolate Protein, each with 16 grams of protein in each bottle. Whether you’re doing resistance training or muscle growth, or looking for a post-workout drink, these clean plant-based smoothies make the perfect and complete protein source to add to any balanced diet.

With a balance of clean ingredients, healthy carbohydrates, and health benefits, they truly are the “gold-standard” in the world of protein.

At Raw Generation, we are free from refined-sugar-free, gluten-free, soy-free, and both vegan and vegetarian-friendly. Don’t fuel your body with anything less than the best. 

I Need This In My Life



  1. The Hidden Dangers of Protein Powders

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Bio image of article author Lisa Testa, M.S.

With over two decades of expertise in the field of Health & Wellness, Lisa Testa, M.S. is an experienced nutritionist who has dedicated her career to empowering hundreds of clients on their journeys to weight loss and natural healing through the transformative power of raw food nutrition.

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